
Daniel Westerlund om Three Studies for a Crucifixion

Daniel Westerlund om Three Studies for a Crucifixion...

...Det är svårt att tala om Cavefors och Bladhs verk med koncentrationen i behåll. Verket skickar associationsbanorna i så många riktningar på samma gång; samtidigt som de omväxlande lustbetonade och horribla (det är förstås ointressant för de inblandade att dra gränslinjer mellan de två) handlingarna på scenen skickar signaler genom mig som är långt ifrån begränsade till det reflekterande sinnet. Nej, det hör till den teater som tar riten på allvar att tala direkt till kroppen. Att tala till kroppen är att tala till förgängelsen. Den egna förgängelsen och privata döden aktualiseras och det kunde lika gärna vara min egen kropp i form av slaktavfall som projiceras på väggen bakom scenen. Francis Bacon citeras i programbladet till dvd:n: "Well, of course, we are meat, we are potential carcasses. If I go into a butcher’s shop I always think it’s surprising that I wasn’t there instead of the animal."...

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Martin Bladh & Bo I. Cavefors
A Passion play in Three Acts
dedicated to FRANCIS BACON
DVD Video 60 minutes
CD Audio 50 minutes
12 page Booklet
VITAL WEEK, number 639, week 33:
MARTIN BLADH & BO I CAVEFORS THREE STUDIES FOR A CRUCIFIXION (DVD & CD by FireWork Edition Records)This DVD is of a three act "Passion Play" dedicated to Francis Bacon, this is nothing to do with noise either, but certainly could in no way be described as trivial. The protagonists here in front of a projection of the paintings set out to embody the nihilistic vision of the painter. You might feel disgusted or sick at the blood, intestines and homosexual acts- and perhaps want to return to the playfulness of Fckn'bstrds antics. This is the real deep black horror of existence - shocking in that is can be or should be performed by human beings at all, not that it is in its deliberation - to shock or disgust- that would be too easy, it would become a sex show, and it is not. Like the paintings of Bacon it unfolds along a horrific and deterministic trajectory that somehow cannot be avoided, if it did appear to be deliberately shocking then it would be possible to step outside the drama and see it as amusement or entertainment. Or is it excusable as a sudden outburst of promethian energy - which is understandably human - from tribal dancing through to the silliness in noise festivals. The real horror here is the premeditated logic of the performance devoid of any emotional excuse. This performance as also Bacons' paintings in their inhumanity could and should be ignored as impossible imaginations if not for the reality of the logic of the slaughter house from which they derive and the even more terrible realizations of these artists finding in this beauty. (jliat)



Mårten Björk: Hamartia
Martin Bladh & Bo Cavefors:
Francis Bacon. Tre studier för en korsfästelse
Heliogabalus. Antik action
Gilles de Rais. Älskaren
Hans T. Sternudd: Bodies of Bladh -
Reflections on two images
Mårten Björk: Varhelst utom världen
130 sidor
120 kronor